Thursday, September 26, 2019

Experience Through Work Module Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Experience Through Work Module - Essay Example Its expansion into numerous international markets has led the company into becoming a symbol of globalization, over and above, the spread of America’s life style. Moreover, the prominence it holds globally has enabled to become the topic of discussion particularly in terms of obesity, consumer responsibility, and corporate ethics. In essence, the restaurants is said to have both drive through service, and counter service in outdoor and indoor seating. In global operations, the McDonald’s has become a global icon and is known as â€Å"McDonaldization of the society†. Of importance to note is that McDonald’s UK has thrived in the competition field due to the presence of an excellent management team that has ensured that the Company has a strong work force especially in terms of customer satisfaction and delivery services. This has been emphasised through the Human Resource Management, which is the most powerful department in McDonald’s Company. ... nagerial activities, functional areas, nature and impact of the company especially in terms of employees’ satisfaction that ensures that work is done effectively. Principally, there are diverse ways in which managers perform their duties in accordance to the kind of company that he or she is mandated to work for. It is without doubt that management is crucial in every organisation or company as it works as core of a company that has a competitive edge. 2 My Responsibilities included; 1. Assisting in man power planning 2. Involved in designing job analysis 3. Determining wages and Salaries 4. Recruitment and Selection of Employees 5. Assist in performance appraisal 6. Prepare training and development of the work force 7. Employee welfare and motivation 8. Implementing of McDonald’s Policies In essence, as a HR department it is crucial that a record of the future plans is keep to ensure that the company is focused on the goals and objectives that it intend to have current ly and the future. The record further entails the number of employees that intend to leave McDonald’s for one reason or another. Besides, it analysis the productivity levels o f the workers in relation to the competition factor. Consequently, any technological changes that the company goes through are officially noted in relation to the expected growth in sales in the company (Barney 1991). Apparently, the HR department is solely responsible for analysing and giving job description particularly when there are vacancies in various departments in the company. Job analysis is gathering details about the duties, responsibilities, required skills, over and above the work environment. On the other hand, job description regards the tasks, and responsibilities that match particular qualifications of

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