Saturday, August 31, 2019

Internet Marketing †Acquisition and Retention Essay

The methods of conducting business have really changed as the impact of globalization has causes several flexibilities and easiness in our lifestyles and daily life. Many businesses find it costly to open it in a physical location and expanding through outlets, which often does not target large audience. Therefore, many businesses are starting through internet where they can target customers from all over the world, market their products or services easily and economically, and get payments right away. Not only this, those businesses that do not operate virtually and have physical locations are finding it more effective and financially beneficial to market their products through internet, and that what is called Internet Marketing. Internet marketing also contains the elements of Direct Marketing, where the promotion of products is done online such as, websites (ResearchStarters, 2008). It does not mean that when businesses are started online they would always save costs and be successful; in fact, many businesses fail due to several factors and one significant of them is poor marketing strategies. Of course, the consumers would not have any idea that a new business has started that for instance, sells soccer jerseys, through its website. The target market should have to be made aware of that business, the products, new offers/deals, customer value, feedback, etc. Therefore, all this requires the business to use effective marketing tools and strategies where it can convey the message to the audience, impress them, convince them to purchase, and provide feedback. Businesses can use online marketing strategies such as, designing websites that grab the attention of the customers at first sight, force them to explore, make them realize that they are everything for the company, provide them with ease in shopping online, and let them give a chance to give a feedback. Moreover, businesses can also use the strategy of mass-emailing to the customers or potential customers whether they are individuals or other entities. Placing ads on popular and most-visited websites is another strategy but is quite expensive. And finally, the use of social networking websites such as, Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, is lucrative since it is inexpensive and targets wide range of audience. Customer Acquisition and Retention There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that it takes a business much more to spend in acquiring new customers than to retain the old or present customers. The reason being that the acquisition of new customers require the business to conduct market research, target them in a new way, shape the products or services according to their needs, reposition the brand that might damage it, and shape the marketing strategies accordingly. These all result in occurring more and more costs for the company; whereas, retaining old or present customers is quite prolific since they have already tried the products, have an image for it, know the company and its reputation, and most importantly can result in promoting them through word-of-mouth. Other marketing strategies for retaining such customers include offering them membership programs, building good relationships with them, increasing the contact with them, asking them for feedback about whether they are satisfied or not, enhancing support for them, and making them realize that they are part of the database and are given importance (Hughes, 2010). Moreover, retention of customers require the company to reshape and bring innovative features and qualities in their products to make those dormant customers restart buying the products if they have stopped to. There is a rule called 80/20 rule, which means that 80% of the revenue comes from 20% of the loyal customers. Therefore, businesses should not feel bothered if they have to invest more on those customers because they are providing them with more sales. So, companies can conduct sales promotion activities or other marketing campaigns for rejuvenating them and milking them. Also, when businesses get to know that their certain customers have stopped buying the products, they should conduct surveys where they should ask the customers what were the reason due to which they stopped buying, what flaw they saw in it, what improvements they want, etc (Businessfast4ward, 2010).

Friday, August 30, 2019


General Goal: To depict how the conformity and opposition of the respiratory system influence take a breathing under normal conditions and how they may be altered by disease. Specific Aims: The pupil should be able to: define transpulmonary force per unit area, transthoracic force per unit area, and transmural respiratory system force per unit area and discourse how they relate to lung and chest wall kick force per unit area. describe 2 alone surface tenseness belongingss of wetting agent, depict how these belongingss affect lung conformity, and depict the physiological effects of unnatural surfactant production in IRDS. define â€Å" dependent lung † , discuss the mechanism underlying distribution of regional airing in assorted organic structure places. province whether the lung and chest wall will flinch inward or spring outward at RV, FRC, chest wall unstressed volume ( Vo ) and above 65 % TLC and to place the volume at which lung and thorax wall forces balance. list 2 major factors which will diminish airway quality and increase airway opposition. describe why flow is â€Å" attempt independent † during termination but non inspiration, and discourse the mechanism responsible for greater flow restriction at low lung volumes or in the presence of emphysema. Resources Reading: West, JB. Respiratory Physiology-The Essentials ( 4th Ed. ) , Chapter 7. Taylor, AE, K Rehder, RE Hyatt, JC Parker. Clinical Respiratory Physiology, Chapter 2, 6 and 7. Saunders, 1989.NORMAL BREATHINGInspiration is usually active. Termination is usually inactive. Muscles of respiration Inspiratory musculuss Diaphragm. Principle musculus of inspiration. External intercostals. Lift ribs during inspiration. Accessary musculuss. Include sternomastoids, scalene musculuss, and alae nasi. Expiratory musculuss Abdominal musculuss. Principle musculuss of termination. Internal intercostals. Pull ribs downward and inward. Pressures involved in respiration. Pbs = force per unit area at organic structure surface ( normally atmospheric ) PM = oral cavity force per unit area ( normally atmospheric ) PPl = intrapleural force per unit area PALV = alveolar force per unit area Figure 1 Airway force per unit area gradient PM – PALV. This is the force per unit area gradient driving air flow into the lungs. Transpulmonary force per unit area PTP = PALV – PPl. This transmural force per unit area across the lungs. Equal to ( i.e. balances ) elastic kick of lungs when there is no air flow. Additions and lessenings with lung volume. Transchest wall force per unit area PTC = PPl – Pbs. The transmural force per unit area across the thorax. Equal in magnitude to ( i.e. balances ) elastic kick of the chest when there ‘s no air flow. Additions and lessenings with chest volume. Transmural respiratory system force per unit area PRS = PALV – Pbs. The transmural force per unit area across the full respiratory system ( lungs + thorax ) . This is equal to the net inactive elastic kick force per unit area of the whole respiratory system when air flow is zero. Balance of forces Praseodymium+PMUS=PL+PCW PALV-Pbs+PMUS=PL+PCW inspiratory musculus contraction Lung elastic kick Chest wall elastic kick Outward Acting forces Inward playing forces when positive when positive Three ways to blow up the lungs Increase alveolar force per unit area. Done when utilizing external positive force per unit area inhalators. Decrease organic structure surface force per unit area. Done when utilizing the old Fe lungs. Activate inspiratory musculuss. The normal manner to breath. Inflation kineticss. Requires that transmural force per unit area development be sufficient to get the better of non merely elastic kick forces but besides airway opposition to flux. Figure 2ELASTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LUNGLung conformity ( CL ) — step lung volume at assorted transpulmonary force per unit areas. The incline is lung conformity. Figure 3 Hysteresis. Lung volume at a given transpulmonary force per unit area is higher during deflation than during rising prices. The grounds for this are complex. Often, merely the deflation limb is shown on figures. Conformity lessenings ( the lung becomes stiffer ) at high lung volumes. Two major forces contribute to lung conformity: tissue elastic forces and surface tenseness forces. Saline rising prices eliminates gas-air interface. It takes less transpulmonary force per unit area to blow up the lung with saline. The lung becomes more compliant because merely tissue elastic forces remain. Surface tenseness in the lung. At every gas-liquid interface surface tenseness develops. Laplaces Law. It takes a certain rising prices force per unit area to back up the surface tenseness developed at an air-gas interface. T=tension ( dyne/cm ) P=transmural force per unit area ( dyne cm2 ) R = radius ( centimeter ) Wetting agent in the lung Secreted by Type II alveolar cells, surfactant lines the air sac at the gas-liquid interface and has dipalmitoyl lecithin, ( dipolmitoyl phosphotidyl choline=DPPC ) as a major component. Surfactant has 2 alone surface tenseness belongingss Figure 4 The mean surface tenseness is low. Surface tenseness varies with country. Surface tenseness rises as country gets bigger and falls as country gets smaller. Physiological importance of wetting agent Additions lung conformity because surface forces are reduced. Promotes alveolar stableness and prevents alveolar prostration. Decreased surface country lowers surface tenseness. Increased surface country additions surface tenseness. Small air sacs are prevented from acquiring smaller. Large air sacs are prevented from acquiring bigger. Promotes dry air sac. Alveolar prostration tends to â€Å" suck † fluid from pneumonic capillaries. Stabilizing air sac ( see B ) prevents transudate of fluid by forestalling prostration. Infant respiratory disease syndrome ( IRDS ) Surfactant ( DPPC ) production starts tardily in foetal life so premature babies are frequently unable to do surfactant properly. Babies with unnatural wetting agent have stiff, fluid-filled lungs with atelectatic countries ( alveolar prostration ) . Non-ventilated, collapsed air sac efficaciously do right to go forth shunting of blood. [ lecithin ] / [ sphingomyelin ] ratio can be analyzed in amnionic fluid to supply an index of gestational adulthood of surfactant production. Sphingomyelin production starts early and remains changeless during gestation and is therefore a marker of entire phospholipid concentration. Sphingomyelin has no surface active belongingss. Regional lung volume and regional airing Dependent lung-the lung in the lowest portion of the gravitative field, i.e. , the base when in the unsloped place ; the dorsal part when supine. Intrapleural force per unit area is higher ( i.e. , less negative ) around dependent parts of the lung because of the weight of the lung. Figure 5 Transpulmonary force per unit area ( PALV – PPl ) is greater at the vertex ( 0- ( -10 ) than at base ( 0- ( -2.5 ) in unsloped lung. Therefore, the vertex is more hyperbolic ( i.e. , has a higher volume ) at FRC. Ventilation is greater at the base than the vertex of the unsloped lung because the base is on a steeper part of the force per unit area volume curve. The vertex is on a flatter ( less compliant ) part. The base starts with less air but has greater airing ; the vertex starts with more air volume but has less airing. Summary. Ventilation is greater in dependent parts of a normal topic ‘s lungs. Time invariables for emptying. Important regional inhomogeneities in airing can besides be caused by factors which cause regional differences in airway oppositions or elastic features. High opposition and high conformity equal slow voidance. Specific conformity. Conformity divided by resting lung volume clinically FRC is used ) . This standardization must be done to analyze the elastic features of tissue and their alterations in disease. How would compliance differ in a kid and an grownup, both with normal lungs?INTERACTIONS BETWEEN LUNGS AND CHEST WALLThe lungs and chest wall operate in series and their conformities add in return to do entire conformity. The chest wall is like a spring which may be either compressed or distended. Figure 6 Transthoracic force per unit area is negative at RV and FRC intending the chest wall is smaller than its unstressed volume and its care to spring out. Normal tidal external respiration is wholly in the negative force per unit area scope. Transthoracic force per unit area is 0 at approximately 65 % of TLC intending the thorax is at its unstressed volume and has no inclination to prostration or expand. Transthoracic force per unit area is positive at volumes above approximately 65 % TLC. The chest tends to fall in above its unstressed volume. The lungs are like a spring which may merely be distended. Figure 7 The lungs are above their unstressed volume ( minimum volume ) even when the system is at residuary volume. The lungs still have some volume at their minimum volume. Transpulmonary force per unit area is positive from residuary volume to entire lung capacity so the lungs ever tend to prostration. Functional residuary capacity is the lung volume at which the inclination for the chest wall to jump outward is merely balanced by the inclination for the lungs to flinch inward. The transmural respiratory system force per unit area ( PRS = RALV – Pbs ) is zero at FRC if respiratory musculuss are relaxed. The secret plan of lung volume against transmural respiratory system force per unit area ( PRS = RALV – Pbs ) with represents the combined consequence of lung and chest wall kick. Figure 8 A pneumothorax causes lungs and chest wall to alter volume along their curve until their transmural force per unit area is zero. The lungs ever recoil inward. The chest wall springs outward unless it is inflated to beyond 65 % TLC in which instance it besides will flinch inward. Conformity alterations in disease Lungs become slightly more compliant with natural aging and go markedly more compliant with emphysema. Lungs become less compliant ( stiffer ) with pneumonic fibrosis or during hydropss caused by arthritic bosom disease. Chestwall becomes less compliant ( stiffer ) in status where the chest wall is deformed ( eg. kyphoscoliosis ) . It besides becomes functionally less compliant when abdominal pit alterations cause upward supplanting of the stop ( eg. gestation ) .AIRWAY RESISTANCEAir flow is chiefly laminal during quiet external respiration. Resistance is determined by Poiseuille ‘s Law and the force per unit area gradient required is relative to flux. When air flow additions, as in exercising, some turbulency and eddy flow develops in big air passages and at subdivision points. An excess force per unit area gradient proportional to flux rate squared is necessary. The major site of opposition is in the larger air passages specifically in the medium size bronchial tube. Merely approximately 20 % of entire air passage opposition is in little air passages ( less than 2 millimeter ) . Factors taking to cut down airway quality and increased airway opposition. Contraction of bronchial smooth musculus. Stimulations include: pneumogastric tone, histamine or reduced airway. is peculiarly of import for advancing homogenous airing. When it builds up in a ill ventilated part the air passages to that part tend to distend. Loss of elastic kick in lung ( i.e. , more compliant lungs ) . Radial grip on bronchial tubes usually helps keep them unfastened. Lower lung volumes are associated with less elastic kick and slower flow rates. Loss of elastic tissue in chronic clogging disease ( eg. emphysema ) lower elastic kick forces. Maximum forced termination consequences in Figure 9 – Expiratory flow-volume curves. May be plotted as volume vs. clip or flux vs. volume. Peak flow occurs early and flow falls as termination continues and lung volume lessenings. Effort independency. When the maximal flow-volume envelope is reached, flow falls with forced lung volume regardless of get downing volume or attempt. Mechanism of flow restriction at lower lung volumes during termination. Figure 10 – Collapse of the air passages during termination: The entire force per unit area in the air sac equals pleural force per unit area + the elastic force per unit area of the lungs. Flow in the air passage requires a force per unit area bead owing to the syrupy opposition of the gas. If the air flow is rapid plenty, or the airway opposition great plenty, this force per unit area bead will go equal to and so greater than the elastic force per unit area, the airway transmural force per unit area becomes zero or less and the air passages will be given to fall in. The point along the air passage where this occurs is called the â€Å" equal force per unit area point † . With a forced termination the equal force per unit area point moves closer to the air sac because as the flow rate additions so besides the syrupy force per unit area bead additions, but the elastic force per unit area remains the same. Cartilage in the big air passages helps to oppose the inclination to prostration during forced termination. Alveolar force per unit area = elastic kick force per unit area + intrapleural force per unit area. Mouth force per unit area = atmospheric force per unit area = 0. During expiration intrapleural force per unit area is positive ( greater than atmospheric ) . Equal force per unit area point ( EPP ) . Airway opposition causes a force per unit area bead from air sac to talk. At some point in the bronchial tube the force per unit area has dropped enough that it merely peers environing intrapleural force per unit area. This is the EPP. Since air passages are collapsable air flow will be relative to the difference between alveolar and EPP force per unit areas and reciprocally relative to the opposition of this section ( retrieve Starling Resistors ) . Increased attempt will do similar additions in alveolar force per unit area and force per unit area at the EPP. The force per unit area difference and therefore the flow will be unchanged. Flow restriction at assorted lung volumes during forced termination. High LUNG VOLUME MEDIUM LUNG VOLUME LOW LUNG VOLUME Figure 11 Flow restriction in chronic clogging disease ( emphysema ) . NORMAL LUNGS EMPHYSEMA Figure 12 Forced inspiration is non attempt independent because intrapleural force per unit area is negative and air passages are held unfastened. Figure 13 – A household of flow-volume cringles. Each of the four inspiratory and expiratory critical capacity manoeuvres is performed at a different degree of attempt. The manoeuvre with maximum attempt is designated by the figure â€Å" 4 † . Maneuvers â€Å" 3, 2, and 1 † are performed with increasingly less and less attempt.MECHANICS OF BREATHING STUDY QUESTIONSTrue or False. The abdominal and internal intercostal musculuss drive expiratory flow during normal external respiration. What relationship exists between the volume of an elastic construction and its transmural force per unit area? What transmural force per unit area difference equals the kick force per unit area of the lung? The chest wall? The whole respiratory system? What 2 forces contribute to lung conformity and must be overcome to blow up a lung? For each force, name a common lung upset in which it is altered? List two of import surface tenseness belongingss of wetting agent. List three physiologically important effects of holding surfactant nowadays. At FRC which part of the lung is most hyperbolic? During inspiration from FRC, which part of the lung is best ventilated? What is meant by unstressed volume? At what lung volume is the chest wall at its unstressed volume? At what lung volumes are the lungs at their unstressed volume? At what lung volume is the entire respiratory system at its unstressed volume? During forced termination flow becomes limited. What two force per unit areas add together to do alveolar force per unit area? What force per unit area determines force per unit areas at the equal force per unit area point? How does maximum forced expiratory flow alteration with lung volume? Why? How does maximal expiratory flow alteration with clogging disease? Why?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Anthony Burgess and A Clockwork Orange Essay -- A Clockwork Orange

John Anthony Burgess was born on February 25, 1917, in Manchester, England. He was born to Catholic parents (mom died early). Anthony’s mother died when he was only two years old from an illness, so he was brought up and raised by his aunt. A few years later when his father remarried, his stepmother primarily raised Burgess. Anthony’s father was not around much and frankly didn’t care much for Anthony. Burgess’s upbringing was rough and somewhat traumatizing, which reflect in some of his works, including the novel, A Clockwork Orange. Burgess married at a young age and had only one child, Paolo Andrea Burgess. In a review article about Anthony Burges, Thomas Horan said, â€Å"As Burgess acknowledged, he was a neglectful parent, too preoccupied with his writing and composing to take much notice of the high-spirited urchin who often rd a lot of things throughout his 76-year-old life, but he is most famously known for his controversial novel, A Clockwork Ora nge. Works Cited Burrow, Colin. "Not Quite Nasty." London Review of Books. LRB Ltd (1997-2004), Nov. 2005. Web. 1 Jan. 2014. Covert, Colin. "Anthony Burgess." Hutchinson's Biography Datbase 2011: 1. Web. 8 Jan. 2014. Criticism, Contemporary Literary, and Carolyn Riley. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Detroit: Gale Research, 1973. Print. Horan, Thomas. "A Clockwork Counterpoint: The Music and Literature of Anthony Burgess." Academic Search Premier. Studies in the Novel, Apr. 2011. Web. 8 Jan. 2014. . Liukkonen, Petri. "Anthony Burgess." Anthony Burgess. Ari Pesonen, 2008. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. "Movie Spotlight: "A Clockwork Orange"" Review. Newspaper Source Plus (2013): 1-2. Web. 8 Jan. 2014.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

BSBOHS404B contribute to the implementation of strategies to control Coursework

BSBOHS404B contribute to the implementation of strategies to control OHS risk - Coursework Example However, for a mobile crane to qualify for registration, it must have a rating capacity greater than 10 t. In addition, before registration, the mobile crane in question must undergo thorough inspection by a competent person. Further, mobile crane owners are required to ensure that cranes are in good condition all the time. According to Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 211 requirements, registration of mobile cranes is done on January 31 every year (The State of Queensland par. 3). Even though there has always been a requirement for the registration of air conditioning units, this requirement was crapped under WHS Regulation 2011. This implies that there is no longer a requirement for the registration of an air conditioner (The State of Queensland 36). Like fired pressure that must be registered under, WHS Regulation 2011, the same applies to unfired pressure vessels. Registration of unfired pressure vessel is required under the regulation to ensure that it is in good condition and does not pose health and safety risk to workers. In fact, before registering unfired pressure vessel, a thorough investigation is conducted by a competent person to ensure that the vessel meets the health and safety requirements. Compliance with the health and safety regulations aims to guarantee safety and health of workers using the vessel (State of Queensland 23). An air compressor falls under pressure vessels, which require registration under schedule 5, Part 2 of WHS Regulation 2011. According to this regulation, any pressure vessel classified as hazard level A, B, or c must be registered. An air compressor is one of the pressure vessels that falls under these categories, thus must be registered. To qualify for registration, the threshold for the compressor design must be Volume x Design Pressure_> 30MPa.L. Once the threshold is met, then the supplier of the air compressor must ensure that its design is registered with the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Assessments in Instructional Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assessments in Instructional Design - Essay Example Generally, assessments are understood as tests that measure the levels of competence, knowledge or skills as results from instruction (Shank, 2009, p.1). Accordingly, good assessments of learning results measure whether students are capable of doing things they have to be able to do as instruction’s result. Dirks writes that assessments consist of two components. These are measurement and evaluation (Dirks, 1997, p.3). Measurement deals with describing students’ performance with the help of a quantitative and/or qualitative approach. Evaluation is about judging the adequacy of either students’ performance or sample work (Erickson & Wentling, 1978, p. 3). Importantly, there can be identified five principal types of assessments use. These are 1) Communication of the student’s achievement status 2) Providing self-evaluation data to a person who is learning 3) Learner placement for certain educational programs/paths 4) Motivation of a student 5) Evaluation of the instructional programs effectiveness (Guskey, 1996). Given this, the appropriate use of assessment can be explained as the one that successfully combines the aforementioned dimensions. In other words, appropriate use of assessment communicates achievement statuses of students, gives learners information for self-evaluation, helps place learners within selected educational programs, motivates students, helps find out whether an instructional program has been effective or not. The use or misuse of assessment can be evaluated through identifying whether the learning goals have been achieved. To illustrate, Shan thinks that â€Å"to determine if needed results have been achieved, results are often measured and assessed against a predefined set of standards† (Shank, 2009, p.1). In instructional design, these are known as learning objectives. For example, if a learning objective for a course of Business Etiquette is to teach students to identify the relevant actions for a numbe r of situations in business where these skills are to be used, the assessment designed as a learning game is inappropriate. This can be explained by the fact that just measuring whether the information presented by the professor has been remembered does not provide any measurement of students’ ability. To design appropriate assessments one should view them as an inseparable part of a complex instructional process. The latter combines 1) designing objectives that relate to needed results and are relevant to them; 2) designing assessments that are relevant to learning objectives; 3) designing instruction that is relevant to both objectives and assessments; 4) evaluation all three components to ensure they are relevant and needed results have been achieved (Shank, 2009, p.1). To judge about the assessment’s appropriateness one should identify whether the assessment can be characterized as 1) valid; 2) reliable; 3) feasible; 4) having stakes. Assessment’s validity i s understood as â€Å"the extent to which the assessment procedure measures what it is intended to measure† (Henning-Stout, 1994, p. 229).

Monday, August 26, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15000 words

Human Resource Management - Essay Example The Model of Work Stress is a model that is also recommended by The Management Standards, and continuously updated and revised by Palmer and Cooper (2003). It explains the relationship between the main stress-related hazards, the symptoms and outcomes. Qualitative research was conducted on 50 participants taken from a sample of NHS healthcare workers who responded through email and personal interviews. Out of the 60 contacted healthcare workers, 50 responded and answered the questionnaires which became the basis for the Analysis of the Results. Some of the questions asked in the interview and questionnaire involved ‘harmful errors’ and ‘near misses’; i.e., whether the respondents made the mistakes as a result of work related stress. The answers and suggestions of some of the participants in the survey proved intriguing yet worthy of scrutiny and analysis for possible recommendations and future study. Work related stress is on the rise in many occupations but mostly upon health workers. Health workers in the NHS do their job round the clock and the impact has resulted into stress, thereby causing illnesses and sicknesses and subsequent early retirement. It is presumed that many succumb to stress, after a day’s work – or the whole week’s work – of caring for the sick, the emergency victims, the aged and the disabled who always give a call. NHS employees are subjected to a rigorous work; they are out there in the open giving first aid to emergency victims, in hospitals and clinics, providing care and treatment, and even in NHS offices and facilities doing work for health improvement. Varied reasons were provided by nurses who had left NHS, some of which are lack of career progression, limited professional development, resistance to service improvements, non-family-friendly working patterns, bullying, inflexible and hierarchical management, poor morale, dangerous or inadequate

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Contribution of Education Law to Social Equality Essay

Contribution of Education Law to Social Equality - Essay Example from increasing the intelligence of people and imparting skills in people for a more productive country, education, and education law also aims at increasing the level of social equality in society. Social equality is seldom achieved by different countries, however, education law ensures to achieve equality in education, which might in return influence other spheres in a country. Nonetheless, social equality is a state whereby all the people in a society are entitled to equal allocation of resources, equal treatment, and opportunities. Social equality therefore, succeeds in removing any kind of barriers, which stand in the way of equality. These barriers might include factors of ethnicity, race, gender, economic status, and religion, which present some people with more opportunities than others. However, social equality should not be mistaken for socialism. While socialism advocates for people to have equal wealth, social equality encourages equal treatment for all people, as well as equal access to opportunities for everyone, despite their position in society (Ross 2009). According to Wilson (1975), education is an opportunity in society. Therefore, the education law in society should serve the purpose of ensuring justice and fair distribution of educational opportunities in society. If this is practiced, then the benefits in a country, which result from education, will be shared equally among all the citizens of a country. In cases where the education law of a country is biased and does not allow for the equal access of education for all its citizens, it is likely that there will not be social justice and social equality in such a country. This is because only a portion of the population will be entitled to the benefits of education, while locking out others (Wilson... The author of the paper declares that educational law is crucial in a country, as it determines whether there will be a considerably high level of social equality or not. Good education laws should adopt policies, which promote the equal access to education by all the children in the country, without any discrimination based on ethnicity, or gender, among other discriminatory forms. Education is an opportunity, which leads to future benefits of a person, with regard to personal development, and financial well-being. These two factors are among those that define a person’s social status. Therefore, if the law of education allows for equal access to education for all, this might help a country to achieve a high level of social equality in future. The paper makes a conclusion that the government funds education in the country, and various education Acts guide the education system in the UK. In an effort to promote social equality for all, the authorities in England expect every parent to take their children to schools, once they reach the rightful age for schooling. Failure to do this attracts a fine from parents. Therefore, while the local authorities are responsible for schools, parents are responsible for ensuring the attendance of their children. There is a uniform curriculum for all schools, therefore, equality is maintained, as this ensures there are no disparities in knowledge. The UK follows the United Nations tenets for human rights, therefore, considers everyone as having a right to education.

Economics (Answer 2 questions) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economics (Answer 2 questions) - Essay Example For instance, the procurement price for wheat and rice rose to 170 and 240 by 1980 (taking the base at 100 in 1970). Thus, there has been a substantial rise in the procurement prices of these commodities with a view to placate the rich farmers who form one of the dominant groups. Next, the license and control mechanism called by many derisively as the â€Å"Inspector Raj† placed undue emphasis on stifling the innovative and entrepreneurial tendencies to favor the few industrial houses that controlled the economy. The resulting contraction in industrial output has been shown as a result of these policies by Bardhan. The third dominant group, the professionals have managed to retain their supremacy in knowledge and allied interests by making sure that they have high â€Å"scarcity value† in a country where the overwhelming majority are illiterate. They have done this by making sure that resources are diverted from initiatives that provide for mass education to higher education schools and colleges where the elite minority can get admission. However, it is not always the case that these dominant groups act in unison or are hand in glove with each other. There have been instances where the rich farmers have found themselves in opposition to the bureaucrats and the professional class particularly when it came to the distribution of largesse by the government in the form of subsidies and the like. Thus, there have been conditions where the dominant groups have found themselves in conflict with each other. 2) It a long held belief pioneered by Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen that social indices of development are a better guide to the overall development of an economy than purely economic indicators. This fact has been reinforced by many studies that point to the emergence of so-called â€Å"Tiger Economies† of South East Asia by investing in human and social capital. Dreze and Sen argue that even in India,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Explain the different conceptions of entrepreneurial strategies Essay

Explain the different conceptions of entrepreneurial strategies provided by Schumpeter (1996 and 2000) and Kirzner (1997). Use - Essay Example This appraisal is based on five different set of ideas which can be described as disequilibrating/ equilibrating, or new information or no new information, extremely innovative or not as much innovative, exceptionally conventional and originally imaginative innovation. The next step would be to assess the types of opportunities that can be commercially recognized and used beneficially (Beam, 2007) Perception The general perception is that individuals who are tough, resilient and progressive are most likely to favor Schumpeterian opportunities, and they persistently try to find inventive ways and means to expand their company. Besides their considered directions for their enterprises is to fulfill future requirements by developing practical and practical products, while individuals who concentrate on current demands have a tendency to pursue Kirznerian opportunities. This is the major inherent difference between the Schumpeterian and Kirznerian formulation of entrepreneurship; one tak es the economic systems away from stability while the other proposes a system that will ensure equilibrium. Both theories are pertinent and applicable to entrepreneurship in different ways. Some entrepreneurs establish their businesses and work towards its expansion and growth; while there are entrepreneurs who seize opportunities as and when presented and capitalize on the presented opportunities. Case Study of Ed Bazinet Schumpeter contends that the main distinctiveness of entrepreneurship is to bring together existing resources using a new and innovative approach. This is not a regular process, but it results in the acquisition of the latest knowledge and creation of new goods, which needs a new supply sources for production of these goods. This form of entrepreneurship creates a monopoly position for that organization. A case study is given of Ed Bazinet who was an extremely successful businessman. He came from a working class background, and although he was interested in busine ss he had no money to start one. He started working at a job as a purchaser to get the requisite experience, and travelled continuously to analyze markets. He began to buy up decorative pieces and found markets for the products. He called his enterprise Department 56, and its inception makes interesting reading. In 1971, Bazinet received a visit from potter who made his living by making ceramic items in his garage and selling them. The potter showed Bazinet as a ceramic Victorian house shaped like a cookie jar. Bazinet perceived a business opportunity where others had not. He asked the potter to modify the item by making a window in it, and place a light inside so that it would glow and can be used as a nightlight. The original 6 houses sold immediately, and there was an immediate demand for more. The potter did not have the resources to mass produce these miniature Victorian houses, so Bazinet had the houses made in Taiwan, and that formed his original snow village. The reason that made these villages a business success was the idea of the creation of entire snow villages with houses and components of every imaginable depiction. An outstanding feature of snow villages created by Department 56 was that they have Styrofoam and cardboard fitted sleeves which protect them from damage. The business further prospered with the

Friday, August 23, 2019

An Australian Luxury Fashion Accessories Company Essay

An Australian Luxury Fashion Accessories Company - Essay Example The paper "An Australian Luxury Fashion Accessories Company" talks about Australian Fashion Accessories Company. The report starts by outlining the historical background of the company which will be followed by an analysis of the company’s micro and macro environments in a bit to establish the degree to which these have an impact on the operations of the organisation. The main body of the report will focus on a critical analysis of the marketing strategy used particularly the current marketing mix in order to evaluate the effectiveness of this strategy. The last part of the report will look at the recommendations section where suggestions are given in order to improve the marketing offering of the chosen product or brand. â€Å"OrotonGroup Limited is a retailer, wholesaler and brand manager operating in Australia and the principal activities of the Company include retailing and wholesaling of leather goods, fashion apparel and related accessories under the OROTON and POLO RAL PH LAUREN labels, and licensing of the OROTON brand name.† Details about the historical background of the company can be viewed from its official website. This organisation is wholly owned subsidiary that includes OrotonGroup (Australia) Pty Limited, Polo Ralph Lauren Australia Pty Limited, OrotonGroup (New Zealand) Pty Limited, Macbray Pty Ltd, Marcs Wholesale Pty Ltd and Oroton Share Plan Company Pty Limited. The company operates approximately 60 retail stores and is listed on the Australian stock exchange. Critical analysis of Oroton’s Micro Environment According to Kotler & Armstrong (2004), the micro environment is comprised of actors close to the company such as suppliers, marketing intermediaries as well competitors while the macro environment consists of demographic, economic, technological as well as cultural factors. The first section of this analysis of the microenvironment is mainly going to look at the company’s competitive environment, its financial s as well as the structure of the business. According to Ibisworld (2010), the major competitors in the luxury brands industry include Luis Vuitton Australia Pty Ltd and Proud Jewellers Pty Ltd. Competition in the market is always a threat to the other actors operating in the industry given that they will be competing for market share. Oroton does not operate in a vacuum since it can be seen that the luxury brands industry is a bit different from other conventional industries. The company’s financials show an upward trend since 2007 according to Au Stocks (2011). This can be attributed to the management strategy that was adopted after the company had witnessed a decline in the revenue generated owing to decline in business. This is a major strength for the company. The company embarked on a drive to cut costs through laying some of the workers while at the same time offering affordable luxury brands. Another important factor about Oroton’s micro environment is that its structure is a typical brick and mortar model. This model mainly relies on linking the organisation directly to the customers through personal interaction but it can be noted that the organisation has also adopted e-commerce in its marketing strategy. However, a critical analysis of the factors characterising the micro economic environment of this organisation shows that the company is better positioned to operate viably in the market given that these factors do not pose serious challenges to it. The other advantage of this

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Self-Employed Womens Association Essay Example for Free

Self-Employed Womens Association Essay Population inflation has become a constant problem and a developing conflict for all the nations in the world especially those with such little total land gross area. Urbanization and Population growth seems to coincide because both of it has become growing concerns of the world today. Though Urbanization has the more positive side of it, there are still some who oppose this ideology. Regarding population growth, it has become one aspect of the global community that indicates such a threatening reality. The people are multiplying by the minute but the resources that keep the people alive has become more scarce through the years. The scarcity of resources to satisfy population has become blatantly damaging. The growth rate around the world is increasing every year and as seen in the worlds most populous countries such as China, India, USA, the population has been inflating due to birth and fertility rate. Answering to the problems caused by overpopulation, urbanization solutions has become one arguably reliable remedy. There are four examples of cases where a positive output was produced and was recognized in the 1996 Dubai Awards. These are the Institutionalizing of Community-Based Development in Abidjan, another was the action by the Self-Employed Womens Association (SEWA) Bank, another was the City Management in Tilburg ranging from the past, present and the future, these are samples of overcoming the challenges of population and urbanization. Urbanization can produce both negative and positive effects on communities, depending on how the leaders of these communities take advantage of it. There are possible environmental problems due to urbanization but there are also environmental benefits due to urbanization. Its like a give and take relationship for population and urbanization, the importance of how the population should be treated must coincide positively with how urbanization should be handled properly to reap benefits for the population. REFERENCES http://www. unesco. org/most/africa17. htm http://www. unesco. org/most/asia1. htm http://www. unesco. org/most/africa3. htm http://www. unesco. org/most/westeu14. htm http://www. unesco. org/most/usa1. htm http://www. unesco. org/most/southam1. htm.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Safe System of Work for Equipment at Height

Safe System of Work for Equipment at Height Introduction Construction industry’s industrial accidents is more than other industries. The accident rate per 1000 workers was 35.9. Among which the highest number of deaths involved in working at height. Which were related to â€Å"fall of person from height†. Working at height in the construction work involving of temporary or transient working environment condition means a lot of inherent hazards and potential hazards. Construction work, safety in the work place is very important, it is essential. Therefore, must take the necessary security measures to ensure the safety operation. Background I am a manager of the Engineering Department of Excellent Property Management Limited. Recently, I observe that fatal accidents involving working at height is a major trend in 2013. While the workers of our company and the outsourced contractors in the estates and plazas are using various facilities in performing their jobs in working at heights. Objective A study of four commonly used equipment for working at height: ladders, mobile type tubular scaffolds, elevated working platforms and bamboo scaffolds. Analyze their function, limitations, risk and encountered in the work processes. Provide relating local safety legislations, Codes of Practices and guidance to the workers. It should to develop for the safe system of work. Which procedural inspected work tasks to find the potential hazards, Inherent risks. Providing the safety and heath policy or strategies in controlling the hazards and demonstrate the understanding of common health and safety management system. Equipment for working at height The common of equipment in working at height: ladders, mobile type tubular scaffolds, elevated working platforms and bamboo scaffolds. Ladders Ladders are the most common ancillary tools for working at height. A simple tools for gaining access to higher levels. Therefore, involving highest number of workers are injured while working at height. Functions of ladders: Portable, easy and convenient. Widely used in various construction units. Easy storage Limitations for use of ladders: Inspect the ladder before every times and regularly afterwards. Must check the ladder side and ladder steps has burst, it has broken rung ladder before use, and whether there are loose or anti-slide pedal to lose and so on. Indicate whether the ladder meets safety standards. Pay attention to the ladder’s safe working load, make sure not to exceed the load when using. Where a handhold is available on the ladder. Ladder placed on a firm and level ground Ladders must be firmly in supporting the matter, if not fastened to the ladder, the ladder should be located under one reference help. Ladders only for 2 meters below the lightweight work Not suitable for long duration or high frequency for work at height. Not suitable for long duration or high frequency for work at height. At a height of 2m or more, ladders only be used for access and egress, and not a place to work During ascent, work and descent on ladder, worker should be capable of retaining three points of contact with the ladder. Ladders must be at the proper angle eyes on the supports, the angle is too large or too small can lead to accidents. Strict compliance with the manufacture’s instructions and safety warnings. Risk for use ladders: fall of person from height The footwear is from mud or grease before climbing up a ladder. The ladder is unstable and resting on an uneven and soft soil ground. The insufficient space behind the steps to provide a proper footing. Never overload the ladder, more than one person is working from a ladder Which should be avoided as far as possible for using ladders: Use any ladder that is already bent or ladder steps has burst Connect short ladders together to form long ones. Overstretch the body to either sides of the ladder. Position the ladder at the place where working Paint something on ladder to cover up crack and defects. Ladders are used as a working platform. Not following the manufacture’s instructions and safety warnings. Not compliant with international safety standards. Training for worker: The worker for use ladder must have related safety training or supervise to guidance to the workers. The correct technique for climbing of ladder. (Three-point contact) Elevated Working Platforms The elevated working platforms is very convenient for ancillary tools for working at height. This is considered to be work equipment that prevents a fall. It is a manned to working at height, such as ceiling maintenance work , repair and cleaning the height air conditioning, lighting or external wall. Limitations for use of elevated working platform: Consider the work requirement the carrying capacity, height of elevation, mobility and stability. The elevated working platform should be match for operation site, on the road and environmental conditions and limitation. The safety passageway for access and egress from the elevated working platforms The important point is the manufacturer or the agents company provides training course on operations, inspection, identify risks, initial fault strain, Fault reporting mechanism and operation of the elevated working platforms. Start to inspect and test the platform before use every time Calculate and record the every time loading weight for manned and equipment to be ensure not exceed the limitation maximum safety work loading. Ensure the elevated working platforms have guard-rails is hard, stable and secure. Has a slip-resistant floor. Install of the toe-boards round at the edge of the platform. Ensure the operation is horizontal level during the rising and falling, does not occur uneven phenomenon. Enclosed working area of the elevated working platform to avoid endangering others persons Must wear safety harnesses with lanyards securely attached to platform’s anchorage points. Risk for use elevated working platforms: Fall of person from height for guard-rail loose or broken. The workers by injured on elevated working platform due to the platform move. The elevated working platform and worker are falling due to exceed the limitation maximum safety work loading. Which should be avoided as far as possible for using elevated working platforms: Move the elevated working platforms when the workers still on it Not secure all guard-rails of the elevated working platforms. Excessive dependence and sit on guard-rails of the elevated working platforms. Riding on the guard-rails up to higher level for working. Lean over out of the work platform outside. Ignore the examine, test and maintain the platform regularly. Work in the absence of adequate of adequate training and instructions Training for worker: The worker for use elevated working platform must have related safety training or supervise to guidance to the workers. The worker should be have the following knowledge, before starting to work: detailed safety operating procedures specified by the manufacturer; limitations on using the elevated working platform; limitations on working loading; items to check before using the elevated working platform; and demonstration and practice on the operating procedures. Mobile type tubular scaffolds Mobile type tubular scaffolds is for temporary structure to support work and access platforms. Mobile type tubular scaffolds can be used for different purposes in different construction activities. To building, dismantling and modifying of scaffolding must be carried out in compliance with the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations and Codes of Practice for Bamboo and Metal Scaffolding Safety of the Labour Department. Limitations for use of mobile type tubular scaffolds: The safety passageway for access and egress from the mobile type tubular scaffolds. Suitable tail: 900mm – 1150mm top rail, 450mm -600mm mid rail and minimum 200mm high toe board. Toe boards must rise at least 200mm. Has a fencing and outriggers in mobile tower Not suitable for outdoor work in strong winds and inclement weather. Provide enough supporting point to fixing the scaffolding to the building. That could have an adverse effect of weather conditions on the scaffolding work should be constantly monitored and should be taken and provide to maintain the stability of the scaffold and the plant, equipment and works. The Scaffolding should be provide and setting with double guard rails and toe boards. Additional measure such as nylon net is also required to prevent materials, tools or equipment falling. The boards and planks should be unpainted so that any defects are readily visible. To building, dismantling and modifying of scaffolding must be conducted by trained worker under the immediate supervision of a competent person. Boards and planks used in the construction of working platform should be protected against splitting. Mobile type tubular scaffolds placed on a firm and level ground, on different ground surface require different support: Hard surface – is sufficient hardness and thickness to support the scaffolding, but preferably to be placed on a base plate. Other surfaces – is any type of flooring or paving which would be penetrated by a standard with a base plate beneath it or if there is doubt about the surface, should be used base plates or metal packing plates at the bottom of the standards. The supports for a scaffold should be maintained in an adequate condition during the life of the scaffold. The width of working platform of the scaffold not less than 400mm. The group of boards across the width of the scaffold should be consistent with the same length, with all boards of the same thickness. The angle of ladder for the ratio of vertical with horizontal level not more than 4 to 1. Risk of toppling when using mobile type tubular scaffolds: Over the carrying capacity for the top of the working platform. A ladder is placed on the top of working platform to extend to gaining access higher level. The tower is placed on sloping or uneven ground. Which should be avoided as far as possible for using mobile type tubular scaffolds: Move the elevated working platforms when the workers still on it Climb a mobile type tubular scaffold when the wheels are unlocked. In windy or severe weather conditions to use a mobile type tubular scaffold for outdoor work. Move the mobile type tubular scaffold when workers or materials still on the working platform. Training for worker: A trained workman has satisfactorily completed a formal training in metal scaffolding works equivalent to any of those mentioned for a competent person or has satisfactorily passed the intermediate trade test for metal scaffolder of the CICTA and possesses at least 1 year of experience in metal scaffolding works. (Under the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance). Inspected by a competent person before being taken into use for the first time. Inspected by a competent person at regular intervals not exceeding 14 days immediately preceding each use of the scaffold. In respect of scaffolding safety, the worker are subject to the requirements of the following regulations: 38A, 38AA, 38B, 38C, 38D, 38E, 38F, 38H, 38I, 48, 49, 52, Bamboo scaffolds Bamboo scaffold is a temporary structure to work and access platforms. Common in the construction , renovation and repair work. Bamboo scaffold use natural material, cheap and can be recycled. While its flexibility suitable for use on any project, workers can quickly change or bamboo cut to the desired length and shape. Bamboo is lightweight, easy to transport, erect and modify and dismantle is shorter time than other type scaffolding. Limitations for use of bamboo scaffolds: Erection and dismantling the bamboo scaffolding must be in compliance with the Construction Sites (safety) Regulations and Codes of Practice of Bamboo and Metal Scaffolding Safety of the Labour Department. The bamboo higher than 15m, should be designed and approved by professional engineer. Should be provide sufficient support point to secure to the bamboo scaffold with the building or structure to prevent collapse. For avoid materials from material, tools and debris from falling should be erect catch-fans, nylon net and protection screen at the bamboo scaffold. Ensure the Form 5 is duly signed and valid. Suitable tail: 900mm – 1150mm top rail, 450mm -600mm mid rail and minimum 200mm high toe board. Risk of using bamboo scaffolds: Toppling when over the carrying capacity for the bamboo platform. Material or tool from falling when no provide sufficient additional measure to prevent from falling. Toppling when no provide sufficient measure to secured the bamboo scaffold to prevent severe weather. Which should be avoided as far as possible for using bamboo scaffolds: In windy or severe weather conditions to use bamboo scaffold for outdoor work. Working when the bamboo scaffolding is unfinished state. Use incorrect and unsafe method to dismantle bamboo scaffolds. Avoid the demolition bamboo falling on the ground directly and immediately, workers should be one pass one or use vertical transport measure to the ground. Training for worker: Erection, alteration and dismantling of bamboo scaffold must be conducted by trained workmen under the immediate supervision of a competent person. Trained workmen must have formal training in, and possess at least 3 years of experience of, bamboo scaffolding work. Legislative requirements and guidance materials Codes of Practice for Bamboo and Metal Scaffolding Safety Codes of Practice for Metal Scaffolding Safety Practical Guide to Working at Height: Ensuring Safe Work Practices Safe System of Work Safety Guide for Bamboo Scaffolding Work Safety at Work – A Guide to Ladders and Elevated Working Platforms Beware of Fall at Work Guidance Notes on Classification and Use of Safety Belts and their Anchorage System Construction Safety – Working at Height Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations Statutory General Duties Requirements under Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance –Section 6. Conclusion Recommendation For the above measure for working at height, there should be avoid working at outdoor when under windy or severe weather environment conditions. In tools, should be provide workers with tool straps to prevent the tools from falling and provide the tools can be extended to avoid: the worker to lean over out of the work platform outside; riding on the guard-rails up to higher level for working; overstretch the body to either sides of the ladder; connect short ladders together to form long ones. Mark the carrying capacity indicates on the measure prominently displayed to ensure not overload. Clean up the ground near at working at height to reduce the workers from falling additional damage. Use the ladders for working at height should be provide more one worker to accompanied the work, who is responsible for tool storage to avoid the ladder user loss of balance. Considering work preparation and authorization requires at the start of any job. Ensuring safe work methods and necessary measures and including a safe means of access and escape. References: Codes of Practice for Bamboo and Metal Scaffolding Safety (Labour Department) Codes of Practice for Metal Scaffolding Safety (Labour Department) Practical Guide to Working at Height: Ensuring Safe Work Practices (Hong Kong Housing Authority) Safety Guide for Bamboo Scaffolding Work (Labour Department) Safety at Work – A Guide to Ladders and Elevated Working Platforms (Labour Department) LC Paper No. CB(2)279/13-14(05) – (Legislative Council Panel on Manpower) Code of Practice on the Design and Construction of Tower Working Platforms – (Electrical and Mechanical Services Department) Industry-based Committees Bulletins 41th Issue, Safe Use or Mobile Aluminum Towers – (Occupational Safety’s Health Council)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Child Sexual Abuse Case Management

Child Sexual Abuse Case Management Rape: Child Sexual Abuse Deirdre F Smith Social Work and Criminal Justice A violent crime is a  crime  in which an offender uses or threatens force upon a victim. This entails both crimes in which the  violent  act is the objective, such as murder, as well as crimes in which violence is the means to an end, such as robbery. Violent crimes may, or may not, be committed with weapons. Depending on the jurisdiction, violent crimes may vary from homicide to harassment. (Violent Crime) Rape falls into the category as a violent crime. Rape is a type of  sexual assault  usually involving  sexual intercourse  or other forms of  sexual penetration  initiated against one or more individuals without the consent  of those individuals. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent. The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault. (Rape) It is commonly believed that rape only happens to women and children, but this is false because it can also happen to men. Rape is not about sex, but about power. One out of every six American womenhas been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. 17.7 million American womenhave been victims of attempted or completed rape. The Average number of rapes that occur annually in the United States is 89,000. Men make up 3% of the total rapes. Children under the age of 12 make up 15%.There is still 60% of rapes never reported and 95% of college rapes are also never reported. There are 47% of rapes that have occurred while both the victim and perpetrator had both been drinking. Victims of rape are more likely to suffer from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, abuse alcohol and/or drugs, and contemplate suicide. (Who are the Victims?) The rape of a child is referred to as child sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse is a form of  child abuse  in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. Forms of child sexual abuse include asking or pressuring a child to engage in  sexual activities  (regardless of the outcome),  indecent exposure(of the genitals, female nipples, etc.) to a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desires  or to intimidate or  groom  the child, physical sexual contact with a child, or using a child to produce  child pornography. The  American Psychiatric Association  states that children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults, and condemns any such action by an adult: An adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act which never can be considered normal or socially acceptable behavior. Rapes can occur in either the perpetrators or victims’ home, in a vehicle, outdoors, in a bar, or anywhere. Sometimes it can occur in the home that both the victim and perpetrator share, because most people are raped by someone they know including a spouse. Since rape or sexual assault is under reported only about 3% of rapist will ever spend a day in jail. (Rape Statistics, 2014) Under federal law, the punishment for rape can range from a fine to  life imprisonment. The severity of the punishment is based on the use of violence, the age of the victim, and whether drugs or intoxicants were used to override consent. If the perpetrator is a repeat offender the law prescribes automatically doubling the maximum sentence. A person who has committed such offenses gains the label as a sex offender. Once you are given that title you will forever carry that label. Even upon release of incarceration, one still must register as a sex offender with local law enforcement and follow specific guidelines which includes, informing law enforcement if you move and update any information. You will be placed in a public database where your status is automatically known. Children who have been sexually abused may feel guilty, ashamed, or confused so, they may not tell anyone. There are symptoms that you can look for they may tell you that a child is being sexually abused. The symptoms include withdrawal from friends or activities, may become aggressive, changes in school behavior and attendance, depressed, and attempt to runway or commit suicide. There can also be physical signs of sexual abuse such as, Sexual behavior or knowledge thats inappropriate for the childs age, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), trouble walking or sitting, or sexually abusing other children. (Child Abuse Symptoms) Children who have been abused sexually are 25% more likely to experience teen pregnancy. The effects of child abuse are also that they begin drug and/or alcohol use, commit violent crimes, become depressed, and have low self-esteem. Some may actually become abusers themselves. They develop psychiatric disorders that carry on into their adulthood. Some will become involve in abusive relationship and some become promiscuous. As adults they may even take jobs as prostitutes. (Rape Statistics, 2014) As a social worker, working with sexually abused children you may experience conflicts between personal values and professional values. There are certain standard you must adhere to according to the NASW when dealing with adolescence. Standards for the Practice of Social Work with Adolescents: Standard 1. Social workers shall demonstrate knowledge and understanding of adolescent development. Standard 2. Social workers shall demonstrate an understanding of and ability to assess the needs of adolescents; access social institutions, organizations, and resources within a community that provide services for adolescents and their families; and advocate for the development of needed resources. Standard 3. Social workers shall demonstrate knowledge and understanding of family dynamics. Standard 4. Social workers shall demonstrate acceptance of and contribute to the development and maintenance of culturally competent service delivery. Standard 5. Social workers shall possess or have access to specialized knowledge of the legal, regulatory, and administrative requirements and resources for youths and their families. Standard 6. Social workers shall strive to empower adolescents. Standard 7. Social workers shall advocate for an understanding of the needs of adolescents and for resources and cooperation among professionals and agencies to meet those needs. Standard 8. Social workers shall participate in multidisciplinary case consultation across agencies that provide services to adolescents and their families. Standard 9. Social workers shall maintain confidentiality in their relationship with youths and of the information obtained within that relationship. Standard 10. Social workers shall assume an active role in contributing to the improvement and quality of the work environment, agency policies and practices with clients, and their own professional development. (NASW Standards for the Practice of Social Work with Adolescents, 1993) Treatment of child sexual abuse is a complex process. Orchestration of treatment in the childs best interest is a genuine challenge. Moreover, it is often difficult to know how to proceed because there are so few outcome studies of treatment effectiveness. When working with children it may be difficult because of lack of support from the family. Establishing trust with the child may be difficult. One of the reasons sexual abuse treatment is such a challenge is that it occurs in a larger context of intervention. Therefore, coordination is of utmost importance and ideally is provided by a multidisciplinary team. Treatment issues are then handled by the team as part of overall intervention. The following issues are the most important of those the team should consider at this stage of intervention: separation of the child and/or the offender from the family, the role of the juvenile court, the role of the criminal court, the treatment plan for the family, visitation, and family reunifica tion. (Child Welfare Information Gateway) Case management decisions are often provisional; that is, they are based on what information about the family members and their functioning is available when decisions are made. Treatment is often a diagnostic process. The positive or negative responses of family members to treatment determine future case decisions. Outcomes of court proceedings can impinge upon and alter case management decisions and treatment. (Child Welfare Information Gateway) Before you can give a child a treatment plan you have to consider should the child remain a part of the family, do the courts have a role in the case, and is there a question of visitation? This is actually where the conflict of person and professional values arises. You may feel that if the child was sexually abused at home, they should never be allowed to return. Professionally, reunification with the family is the goal if at all possible. The task of the therapist is to make victims feel whole and good about themselves again. Work, mentioned above, that addresses the issue of self-blame is helpful. However, so are interventions that help children view themselves as more than merely victims of sexual abuse. Normalizing and ego-enhancing activities, such as doing well in school, participating in sports, getting involved in scouts, or helping a younger victim, can be very important in victim recovery. (Child Welfare Information Gateway) Treatment options include group therapy, individual treatment, and family therapy. Group therapy is generally regarded as the treatment of choice for sexual abuse. However, usually groups are offered concurrent with other treatment modalities, and some clients may need individual treatment before they are ready for group therapy. Individual treatmentis appropriate for victim, offender, and mother of victim (as well as for siblings of victims and survivors). As a rule, an initial function and a major one for individual treatment is alliance building. All parties have to learn to trust the therapist and come to believe that change is possible and desirable. The members of this triad may have different levels of commitment to therapy, with the victim usually the most invested and the offender the least. Family therapyis the culmination of the treatment process and is usually not undertaken until there has been a determination that reunification is in the victims best interest. (Child We lfare Information Gateway) The reason I chose to this topic is not because a family member or a friend sexually abused me, but at the age of 17 I was raped by seven guys who I did not know. I did not say anything after it occurred because I felt like it was my fault. I was somewhere I shouldn’t have been and my parents didn’t know. In a way I thought of it as punishment for being disobedient. Afterwards, I had become angry, aggressive, and rebellious. I would run away from home because I caused all types of problems there. At that time I was in college, but of course I quit going. I began cutting myself and I showed other emotions other than anger. Finally, after trips to the Detention Center my mother finally took me to St. Dominic Mental Health. My therapist tried to talk to me, but of course I refused to talk. He told my mother I had sociopathic symptoms, because I showed no emotions and would not open up. After those attempts I was still acting out. She finally took me to a place called Our House Shelter. It was a runaway shelter. There I had group therapy and individual therapy. That’s where I found my help. It was a social worker named Ms. Tara who reached me. I have a great mother because she knew something was wrong with me and tried everything she could to help me. She could’ve given up on me but she didn’t. She still doesn’t know what happened to me and chose not to tell her. She was just happy to have her daughter back to normal. I have seen a couple of the guys throughout the time, but I have heard most of them are in jail or dead. Do I regret never telling? Yes, because I could have stopped someone from experiencing what I did. Because of that situation and the fact that I’m here has made me stronger. References Child Abuse Symptoms. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2014, from Mayo Clinic: Child Welfare Information Gateway . (n.d.). Retrieved November 2014, from U.S. Department of Human Health Services: NASW Standards for the Practice of Social Work with Adolescents. (1993). Retrieved November 25014, from National Association of Social Work: Rape. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2014, from Wikipedia: Rape Statistics. (2014, July 8). Retrieved November 2014, from Violent Crime. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2014, from Wikipedia: Who are the Victims? (n.d.). Retrieved November 2014, from RAINN:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Shakespeare Finds Love On A Midsummer Night :: essays research papers

The forest outside Athens is filled with changelings, magic, and ancient myth: in other words, the stage is set. The night is silent and still as four mortals alternately hate and love, monarchs of the faerie world clash wills, and the mischief of one irrepressible woodland sprite weaves a spell over all. The breath of the darkness is lit with the glow of foxfire; hearts are broken and mended within the span of short hours. In the bower of the Faerie Queen a man transformed by magic slumbers peacefully. The pen of William Shakespeare has captured the imagination and hearts of audiences and readers alike across the world and through the decades, but his classic romantic comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, offers something much more profound. Shakespeare has found insight into the heart, and, through his verse, best exemplifies the complicated and capricious emotions found there. The play, much like reality, is sprinkled throughout with gems of humor, and it will continue to fasc inate as long as there is love. Shakespeare’s characters are certainly the most important part of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. All action must be carried out through them; all ideas must be transported to the audience through their moves and dialogue. The first and most obvious characters are the four mortal lovers. The women, Helena and Hermia, are respectively tall and fair, short and dark; there are no other notable differences between them. The men, Lysander and Demetrius, have no differences in personality that are remarked upon in the text of the play. Outside the walls of Athens, inside the enchanted forest, the courts of Oberon, king of the faeries, and Titania, his queen, hold sway. The two magistrates quarrel often, but know they are meant for each other, no matter how they scowl. Their adventures include Bottom, a town actor turned into an ass by Oberon to seek revenge on Titania. The last major role in Dream is Robin Goodfellow, more commonly known as Puck. He is mischievous and playful; his role in the faerie court is to entertain Oberon and run his errands, as he tells the faeries in Act 2 when he is introduced. In human nature and all its facets, there is a certain amount of inherent mirth, including sarcasm, and Shakespeare does not neglect this mirth in his writing. First, humor is used as a sort of release valve.

The Death Penalty Essay -- essays research papers

When you first think of the words ’death penalty’, you can’t help but associate that with the words ’capitol punishment’. However, is the death penalty really the ultimate, and therefore capital punishment. I believe that capitol punishment is the right punishment for those who commit heinous crimes like pre-meditated murder or rape. However, the death penalty would not satisfy me as a family member of the victim. What would satisfy me is to know that the murderer or rapist is suffering in prison until he dies and receives their true punishment in eternal life. I believe that life in prison, in solitary confinement, and without the possibility of parole, is the most fit punishment and the punishment that will put the person in the most pain and suffering until they die. But how did I come up with this belief and argument against the death penalty as a capital punishment? How and based on what did I come up with these beliefs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, I am a very religious person who follows the church in just about everything it does. If you are a religious person as well, you would know that on the subject of the death penalty for crimes, the bible seems to have a clear points of view about it in the old testament. In one part, the bible asks for â€Å"an eye for an eye†¦and a life for a life†. This is clearly stated in the old testament in exodus 21:22-25. However, if you look closely, the bible asks for the death penalty for several different crimes that by today’s standards would not even be crimes at all. In the article â€Å"Executions Are Too Costly---Morally† by Helen Prejean, published in the book â€Å"Contemporary and Classic Arguments: A portable Anthology†, the areas where the bible asks for the death penalty are clearly outlined. Prejean outlines theses areas in a list like this â€Å"Contempt of parents (Exodus 21:15, 17; Leviticus 24:17); Trespass upon sacred ground (Exodus 19:12-13; Numbers 1:51; 18:7); Sorcery (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 20:207); Bestiality (Exodus 22:19; Leviticus 20:15-16); Sacrifice to foreign gods (Exodus 22:20; Deuteronomy 13:1-9); Profaning the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14) Adultery (Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22-24); Incest (Leviticus 20:11-13); Homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13); And prostitution (Leviticus 21:19; Deuteronomy 22:13-21).† I believe in the bible whole heartedly. However, when it comes to the death penalty yo... ...e he was hit by a giant stone and was absolutely floored. Later, because of the surviving brother who knew the people who killed his brothers, the murderers were caught and sentenced to death. Till this day, I don’t know if they have been put to death or not, but what I do know is that’s not what their brother or my father wanted. What they wanted was to have them suffer in prison for the rest of their lives as they are now still suffering from the loss of their brothers. My father and their brother believed that it was the only fit punishment, because they believed in what Gandhi said which is â€Å"if we lived eye for an eye the whole world would be blind.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the end it must be understood that killing someone who has killed is not going to solve our problems. Making those who end the lives of others suffer until their own death is the my personal answer to the problem. I know and understand fully that I may be alone in my beliefs, but I still stand by them strongly. Killing in the name of punishment is a shame, especially today when we should all understand that our worst punishment, as humans, is to live our lives thinking and regretting our mistakes.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Kung, Shoshone, And Mbuti Tribes: Hunting And Gathering Societies :: essays research papers

As in many societies different groups of people are connected by similar traits. People of hunting and gathering societies also share similar qualities. Although the Kung, Shoshone, and Mbuti live in unique environments they still share numerous common characteristics because of there life styles. The Kung San and Shoshone make critical decisions in similar ways. The people of the Shoshone and Kung are much like a modern community in that they live together but for the most part live separate lives. They come together to hunt, like we to work, but when the hunt is over they get paid, in the form of meat, and go home to their families. If they should choose to any group may leave the whole at anytime. The Mbuti choose to live as a whole. They act as one family. All decisions are made by the community as a whole. If the group cannot reach consensus on a problem then the group may split for that time but will rejoin once the projects are completed. Unlike the Kung and Shoshone the Mbuti stay together, for the most part, throughout the year and do not diffuse when supplies become more plentiful. The two most important things a person needs is food and water. Many different foods are consumed by the Mbuti. There diet consists of meats, fruits, berries, roots, fungus and insects. The Mbuti's food supply is always plentiful, this is due to the habitat they live in and the small number of people living off of any given area. The Shoshone on the other hand live more like a scavengers because of their environment. Meat is rare, they tend to live off the plant life in the forest. A large portion of the Shoshone's diet is plant life. The Kung have a fairly balanced diet of plants and animals but water is a limited resource. For the Kung the reason for moving is to stay where the water is. In the dry season the Kung will all live in close quarters near the permanent water holes. But as the rainy season comes they will be able to spread throughout the region. Foraging societies share three major traits. All of these societies share the work that must be done in the camp. They all live in camps, meaning they never stay in an area for an extended amount of time.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Understanding the Production of Biofuels in the United States

The current situation in the global demand for fuel is definitely becoming a global phenomenon, which develops to be a worldwide problem that directly affects the global society and the lives of people. Thus, for the past years, the global oil industry has experienced shortage and/or a crisis, which has caused the international oil price to increase with more than twice its normal rate. This global oil crisis and the higher rate of oil prices are indeed detrimental and difficult for the people and in the global economy.This problem results to more difficulties in the financial burden of the people and makes the global society suffer from the expensive rate of the crude oil and affects other major industries in its operation. Hence, with the continuous increase in worldwide oil price and the broadening campaign for global crisis, the production of biofuels is now regaining fame and significance amidst all these global issues. In this regard, this research paper concentrates on the top ic about the production and use of biofuels in the United States as an alternative to the ones that is already in the global mainstream oil market.The paper would work on investigating the process of the United States in producing biofuels by utilizing natural materials such as plants that are rich with the needed substances in making such oil product. Thus, this research would also focus on determining the positive and negative implications of producing biofuels, as an answer to the growing oil and energy crisis, among the major industries that would directly affected by such process of manufacturing biofuels. Probable Plants to be utilized for the Production of BiofuelsAs seen to be one of the richest countries in the globe and with the present resources they have, the United States of America is regarded to be one of the leading countries that produces large amount of biofuels, more specifically ethanol fuel and biodiesel, which alternatively supplies the local demand for oil to power vehicles. It is seen that ethanol and biodiesel are the primary biofuels utilized in the United States and as such, the country uses mainly corn kernels and soybeans in producing respective biofuels for local transportation and industry consumption.As of the present time, the United States uses corn kernels in producing bioethanol, which also utilizes a little fraction made from sorghum (Hagens). As such, through the use of corn crops alone, the United States is able to produce 4. 9 billion gallons of ethanol in 2006. On the other hand, the production of biodiesel in the United States uses mainly soybean oil and other vegetable oils where in the same year of 2006, the country has produced 100 million gallons biodiesel out of these natural resources (Hagens).Moreover, other major countries that also produces biofuels as an alternative oil to power up their local transportation and industry also uses relatively the same natural resources with the ones that the United States has been using in their own production (Hagens). For instance, Brazil, one of the leading producers of bioethanol, also uses corn kernels being one of the countries which produces large amount of corn crops (Hagens).As for the developing countries such as the Philippines, the productions of biofuels just in their beginnings where the plants to be use for such process depends on the location and available plant resources. In the Philippines, plants like Jathropa Curcas or better known as Physic nut is given more attention as one of the potential primary natural resources in producing biodiesel and cassava perennial plant in processing bioethanol fuels (Varona). How this plants grown and processed to produce biofuelsPlanting and growing these plants in producing biofuels requires typical way plant farming, which only requires a certain demand for fossil fuel consumption for the entire process of producing biofuels. As for the plant that produces bioethanol such as the corn, the process of planting and growing is seen to be tricky that entails possible negative results in the environment (Biodiesel Edges Out Ethanol). Firstly, the corn is often globally regarded as a crop that is not environmentally friendly, which requires enormous quantities of fertilizers and pesticides in growing.Study shows that the impact of large-scale cultivation has negative adverse effects on the environment wherein the soil becomes uncultivable after the harvesting of corns that requires certain amount of time for recovery (Keim). As for the growing of soybean that is being used in producing biodiesel, the planting process is relatively easier but also environmentally unfriendly. To be able to achieve the greatest quality of soy beans for biodiesel production, though soybeans is adaptable to different conditions of soil, seeds must be planted in a top quality soil and in temperate weather.Thus, the impact of soybean large-scale cultivation entails negative adverse effects in the environmen t wherein through this entire process of planting and growing, the healthy and fertile soil and water are being polluted through the use of detrimental chemicals such as pesticide and fertilizer (Soybean Production). Production Process for Corn The process involved in producing ethanol out of corn involves several processes. The first step includes addition of water to grains which have been previously grounded (â€Å"Utilization of Bio-fuel Co-products†).The mixture of water and grounded grains is subjected to high temperatures under the liquefaction process and alpha-amylase are added (â€Å"Utilization of Bio-fuel Co-products†). After which, it goes through fermentation where yeast is used in order for the sugars to be fermented, which then produces ethanol and carbon dioxide (â€Å"Utilization of Bio-fuel Co-products†). The beer produced in the fermentation tanks proceed through a distillation system that separates the ethanol and leaves a â€Å"whole still age† (â€Å"Utilization of Bio-fuel Co-products†). In the â€Å"whole stillage† the solids are separated from the liquid through the process of centrifugation.Afterwards, an evaporation step is done for the liquid portion to remove any excess water and leaves condensed syrup (â€Å"Utilization of Bio-fuel Co-products†). This condensed syrup is placed back with the grains of wet distillers and is dried to come up with DDGS or â€Å"distillers’ dried grains with solubles† (â€Å"Utilization of Bio-fuel Co-products†). A diagram for this process is shown below: Production Process for Soybean The main process through which soybean can be turned into soy biodiesel is called transesterification, which makes soybean oil transform into esters (â€Å"How to Make Soy Biodiesel From Scratch†).In the said process, the oil of the soybean is separated and its glycerine sinks at the bottom and the soybean biodesel goes to the surface (â€Å"Ho w to Make Soy Biodiesel From Scratch†). When this happens, the soybean biodiesel is siphoned (â€Å"How to Make Soy Biodiesel From Scratch†). Efficient Producers of Biofuels In a sense, the fully developed countries like the United States and Brazil are regarded as efficient producers of biofuels as compared to the other developing countries that are having a hard time establishing and starting a reliable way of producing biofuels.Unlike any other countries, the United States and Brazil are the top producers of biofuels, more specifically the bioethanol, which made them successful in attending to their local demands for clean fuels for energy consumption. In addition to this, the European countries also are among the top and efficient producers of another biofuel which is that of the biodiesel that normally caters to the demand of clean diesel fuel for their local vehicle and transportation. In these countries, there is a reliable means of producing these biofuels due t o the available resources as compared to other countries.Plants Consumption for Biofuel and its effect in the Global Food Prices With the trend in using some of the major plants for producing biofuels such as bioethanol and biodiesel, this entire process entails negative impacts in the supply and price of food in the worldwide market, more especially among the developing countries. Thus, there are reports that the consumption of plants, more specifically with corns and soybeans, creates shortage on the supply for human consumption as food. As such? in most of the countries across the globe, the production of biofuels is being blamed to be the number one cause of global food crisis.In addition to this, such consumption of plants for biofuel production generates shortage and difficulties for developing countries with the continuous increase in the price of food in the global market (Lovgren). Conclusion In the end, the production of biofuels as an alternative solution for the ever loo ming energy crisis is indeed a brilliant idea and a positive approach to resolve such global problem. However, the countries which serve as the major producers of biofuels must also ensure the welfare of the people and do this in such a way that is not harmful for the public and the environment.Thus, the major biofuel producers must also continue to do research with the purpose of discovering other ways of producing biofuels aside from consuming plants that are supposed to be allotted for human consumption to be able to avoid the competition between the interest of the public and need for resolving the looming global energy crisis. Work Cited Aoko, Sam. 12 World’s Largest Biofuel Plants. Eco Worldly. 18 November 2009 < http://ecoworldly. com/2008/04/23/12-worlds-largest-biofuel-plants/> Biodiesel Edges Out Ethanol. Last Updated July 18, 2006. RenewableEnergyWorld. com. 18 February 2009 < http://www. -45457> Hagens, Nate. The Implications of Biofuel Production for United States Water Supplies. The Oil Drum. 18 February 2009 â€Å"How to Make Soy Biodiesel From Scratch. † 2009. All Soy Products. 18 February 2009 . Keim, Brandon. Corn-Based Biofuels Spell Death for Gulf of Mexico. Last Updated March 13, 2008. CondeNet, Inc. 18 February 2009 Lovgre, Stefan. Hardy Plant May Ease Biofuels' Burden on Food Costs.Last Updated April 21, 2008. National Geographic Society. 18 February 2009 Soybean Production. Last Updated February 18, 2009. National Soybean Research Laboratory. 18 February 2009 â€Å"Utilization of Bio-fuel Co-products. † University of Saskatchewan. 18 February 2009 . Varona, Bernice. Power plants: University spearheads biofuel R&D. UP System Information Office. 18 February 2009 < http://www. up. edu. ph/upnewsletter. php? i=321>

Friday, August 16, 2019

Internal marketing Essay

Internal marketing is of much importance to an organization. For any organization to thrive, it must focus on the efficiency of the marketing plan. The internal marketing plan within a firm fosters the company’s employees and all its staff members to being customers of the products that they produce. When employees of an organization purchase the products that they produce, they attract external markets since the public out there will realize how important the products are to them, as much as to the employees. Members of staff are seen as both suppliers of the goods and also the customers of the products. This plan helps in strengthening the firm to employee relationship. When the firm management relates well with the employees, they are in a way motivated hence quality services will in turn be provided to the customers. Customers will be retained within the organization, thus enabling the company achieve a competitive advantage. It will be in a position to increase its sales according to the rampant growing demand. Also, the company will increase the process of profit making. In essence, efficiency in internal marketing allows for efficient external marketing efforts (Kotler & Armstrong, 2009). A good internal marketing plan usually has distinctive features. For instance, it should create a culture that enables it to outstand over the vast competitive markets. It is achievable when workers are encouraged to be creative and innovative, responsible and accountable. Employees should be given a chance to exploit their abilities and also to act in capacity as accountable leaders. The plan should also articulate equity, fairness, recognition and motivation of outstanding performers. Employees should not be treated according to their rank position, race or gender. This has been a major setback to development hence it should be avoided by all means. It should also accommodate room for furthering the employees’ skills and knowledge. By fairness, an organization and its staff at large are encouraged to practice and embrace it. For example when someone close dies, support should be provided to his family. The organization can effectively deal with this issue through setting aside emergency funds (Ahmed & Rafiq, 2002). Coca cola as a company has embraced the use of internal marketing plan within its organization, and this has seen it stand still and strong despite the competition offered by Pepsi company which is as well a manufacturer of soft drinks. The company has been strategically managed and thus its products have been wide spread, not only in the United States but also to the rest of the world. It has adopted the use of the 7ps of marketing. The 7ps involves Product, Place, Price and Promotion, Physical Environment, People, Process. Product shows what the company produces and supplies to its vast markets. Examples of such products are sprite, coke and fanta, which mainly dominate the company’s markets. Place indicates the actual placement of the manufacturing firm. Currently, manufacture of coca cola products have been spread all over the world. Price is the most important aspect of marketing. The company is supposed to regulate the prices through the advice of senior sales representatives. It is the marked price that determines the number of customers an organization will have. Customers should be made aware of the recommended retail prices of the beverages produced. This is usually done so as to discourage the intermediaries from exploiting the customers. When goods are overpriced, the organizations competitors might take advantage of this to take away the customers. Coca Cola Company has taken an initiative of inscribing the products recommended prices in the bottle tops, thus preventing occurrence of inconveniences. In marketing, promotion enables the people to know the kind of products the company produces and also gives them a reason why they should purchase them. Promotion activities are crucial because it is the determining factor whether the business will stand or fall. Physical environment also plays an important role in marketing. The surrounding and the way people domiciling around where a company intends to establish its market agrees to allow the sales agent carry out its activities determines the business marketing future. People may be very hostile; hence the business may fail to establish its markets. The processes actually portray the channels a product passes through before being delivered to the end consumer. This may again involve how the consumer will handle the product. The employees of this company are given responsibility to manage brands through efficient marketing and also given priority to lay down achievable business strategies (Drake, Gulman & Roberts, 2005). Managing directors of the company are spread all over the world and the company entrusts them to establish reliable distribution channels, the targeted consumers and the marketing tools that boosts the firms’ sales. To ensure that it earns huge profits, the company has increased its sales employees and surely this act has enabled it to be at the top rank in the annual ranking of the best brands in the world. Such sales agents of the company do put into consideration a good customer relationship. They have a sense of efficiency in responding to customers needs thus majority of the consumers are retained. To obtain its employees, the coca cola company carries out recruitments. For one to qualify as an employee, he/she must pass the exams administered to them by the company’s directors. Also, they are taken through series of interviews and questionnaires, and their competences checked against the requirements of the company. While interviewing, the managers poses questions related to risk management, time management, how to attend to problems and also issues that focuses on leadership skills. After the employees are hired by the company, they are fed with adequate information about the company. This includes how it carries out its day to day activities, its mission and vision. In addition, the organizations goals and objectives are clearly stated to them. This allows the firm management to work together as one with its employees with target of realizing the successful outcome of the company’s operations. Employees work output is usually measured in this company on yearly basis. They are rated according to how they have embraced the technology, how they have fostered a sense of leadership and also by how far they established a solid relationship with the consumers. In addition, their innovativeness is recognized and this is checked through analyzing how successful they have been in bringing the outsiders into the company. Their results in terms of making the company realize goals are normally detailed, and the outstanding performers motivated. This motivation can either take form of increasing their monthly pay, promoting them to higher ranks or even recognizing them by word of mouth. Employees who are deemed as less productive are taken through a probation training. After probation, they are again sent back to the field, and if by this time the company does not see any impact in their productivity, they are left with no option other than dismissing them (Palmer, et al. , 2006). Internal marketing has been of great benefits to the coca cola company. Despite encouraging its workers perform better, it has also allowed them to acquire knowledge on being responsible and accountable. The internal marketing has also enhanced better understanding of the organization in line with the business carried out. Employees have been motivated to offer goods of quality to their customers through appreciation of their outstanding performance. This plan has again increased the consumer retention capacity and also personal developments to its employees. Non marketers within the organization has also benefited since they have learned how to carry out their duties in manner-like marketing. To sum up, the internal marketing plan has linked the coca cola business culture, vision, mission and its stipulated strategies with the employees’ social needs (Varey, 2002). Behind every successful organization, their must be a chain of problems encountered by it. Depending on how the firm embraces and handles their problems, their success is determined. Not all the employees accept change. Some becomes rigid when it comes to embracing the changes in technology. Some employees have deemed the use of computerized systems as a way of narrowing employment opportunities. Such employees can be termed as being illiterate from the fact that computers helps much in keeping efficient and effective inventory of the company’s undertakings. The company has also been faced problems based on incompetence of managers, much emphasis being in the use of interpersonal, conceptual and technical skills. The rampant spread of social evils such as corruption all over the world has seen the company employ incompetent personnel who lack skills in management. To add, the employed persons within the organization have been portrayed as not only having a poor understanding of the concepts of internal marketing but also as ignoring the orders from the senior staff (Kurtz, 2008). This has been a major problem towards successful establishment of internal marketing plan. Conflicts among the employees and also within different departments have also been a problem. People usually fight over the promotion position have made the work of implementing an internal structure difficult. To the side of the organization, some subordinates ignore the employees and does not put into consideration their welfare. Because of this, employees have reacted to fight for their rights and thus this has been a hindering factor. The spirit of synergy has also been greatly compromised since some top members of the organization over protect important information against its workers. Since there is no trust, the organization is as well less likely to embrace the concept of internal marketing. To summarize, the organizations’ structure is in most instances rigid. It does not give room for frequent reviewing and thus this has affected the internal concept of marketing. As from the benefits discussed earlier on, it is unavoidably necessary to have an internal marketing plan. This is not only for the success of the business in its environs but also all over the world. Some of the tools that should be put into consideration in successfully implementing a good internal marketing plan involve encouraging employees to have frequent contacts with the human resource managers. The contact can be enhanced through use of e-mails, faxes, telephone services, newsletters and more reliably through physical contacts. This will encourage them to air their views about the welfare of the organization. Also, they will have a chance to openly air their grievances, more especially on the way they are handled as the company’s employees. This allows fast reaction and implementation of their needs in a proper channel. More field work should be encouraged between the employees and their manager. This will allow them to share views freely with their manager and also gain experience. Since managers are normally viewed as people with experience, fieldworks will allow the employees too mingle with their managers and in the process taking note of work should be carried out (Dunmore,2002). Meetings of all the members of staff should be scheduled within reasonable time duration, for instance a fortnight or a month. This enables the organization as a whole to see how far they have gone in accomplishing its goals and objectives. It also allows them, together with its employees to check on the possible areas that they might have gone wrong in its day to day operations. From here, possible solutions are discussed and carefully thought out strategies of implementation laid out. Changes in career paths are also deemed as a tool of successfully implementing the internal marketing. The employees get to rate themselves on how good they are in sales department. They can check their performance in conjunction with the efforts they put while at work. If they find that marketing is a little pit strenuous, they can pave way for other junior employees and opt for other jobs. Changes in positions should be provided for to those employees initially put on probation. This allows them to be motivated to take up new roles within the organization. In addition, this decreases instances of boredom since the employees are subject to transfers to various departments and place of work. This act boosts the employees’ morale because they will be in a position to see as being attached to the company than before (Beamish & Ashford, 2007). Internal marketing workshops and also leadership concept seminars should be embraced by the organization. The firm should encourage its employees to attend such seminars as it enables them gain skills that prepares them for future managerial positions. Such seminars also encourage mutual relationship within the organization. Positioning of the employees should be in conformance with the required qualifications. Social evils such as corruption should be avoided within the organization as this may impact negatively to the company. Such people hired through crooked ways are the ones to collapse the same company since they have gotten used to their bad habits.